Benefits of a TPT,LLC Functional Capacity Evaluation:
Who is a Candidate for our Evaluation?
Each test is voluntary and you may refuse any test if you feel that you are unable to perform it. We will also be evaluating your performance and providing feedback to your physician as to whether reliable effort, consistent with your diagnosis, was demonstrated during the evaluation. We ask for your cooperation to provide your best, safe effort on each of the functional tests.
The TPT, LLC Functional Capacity Evaluation is a series of tests to help your physician and employer determine your safe abilities to perform work related activities. The assessment includes a detailed analysis of all job factors, specific to the job being evaluated, documentation of the patient’s present work tolerances, behaviors (worker traits), consistency of effort, and symptom response to work activity. The assessment also elicits reliable information and documentation, taking the guess work out of managing Worker’s Compensation claims. Through the evaluation process our licensed and FCE certified Physical Therapist is able to validate a patient’s subjective complaints, define the physical disability and determine the degree to which the disability affects the patient’s ability to function within the set parameters of his/her job.
Therapaedic Physical Therapy (TPT), LLC Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) offers a flexible and convenient ability to meet our patients in their home and set up a work/rehabilitation environment that allows us to realistically create, as well as simulate, the essential job demands for testing purposes.
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Ph: 703.680.3332